Password Management
Use your Campus Active Directory (AD) password to logon to our machines. | ||
Locked out: | “Unable to log you on because your account has been locked out, please contact your administrator.” | Unlock AD account |
Forgot/ wrong password: | “The system could not log you on. Make sure your User name and domain are correct, then type your password again. Letters in passwords must be typed using the correct case.” | Change AD password |
Password | Grants access to: | Change/Help |
NetID (or Kerberos) | Bluestem webpages, NESSIE, and many other campus network services | TS Password Manager |
Campus Active Directory (AD) | ACES ACF, Exchange, NetFiles, EWS, and others | TS Password Manager |
Campus Email | Campus Express Email | TS Password Manager |
CITES Instructional Computing Services | TS ICS computer labs, housing computer labs, and other campus services | TS Password Manager |